This is from a year ago. You can see how the lip hangs down so you see all her teeth and her gums and it's so wide.
Here it's still lopsided, but it no longer hangs down and it's not as wide. Notice the missing tooth. We were sitting on the couch and she hands me something and asks real casually, "What's this?" "Um it looks like a tooth! Wait let me see your mouth!" Sure enough, it as her tooth! We checked on line and discovered that some kids do lose their teeth as early as 4. It's very weird because she suddenly looks so big! She asked me if she was old now and I told her yes.
This is Cal's new move he loves it.
Wow, her lip looks really good.
I can't believe she lost a tooth...that's crazy!!! Chloe just lost her first one in June on her 6th birthday!!! I guess Gabrielle is almost 5 though!
I can't wait until Irelynn loses her teeth hopefully those front teeth go first....
WOW she looks good!
IT'S RICHELLE!!!! I found your blog on the bowers blog!! Go to mine I haven't talked to you for soo long!!
Her lip looks terrific! And her eyes are so, so pretty, too! :)
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