Tuesday, March 11, 2008

You've come a long way baby

Wow-I came across this pic yesterday. I'm amazed at how small her hemangioma is now!!! We'll see Dr Hoffman (plastic surgeon @ UCSF) next month sometime and hopefully get her surgery for her lip scheduled. I'll ask about her cheek too. It still has slight fullness on that side-it's very soft though. my only concern is the skin, but hopefully it's gone down slow enough so it won't be a problem.


klkw said...

She looks beautiful! Also, can I just say I love her signature pose of the hand on the hip. Is that a Wiseman trait? Come on! We've all seen the Wiseman Clan do it! :)

Melissa said...

Wow that is amazing! She is beautiful!!

Stefany said...

That's crazy. It's been so long that I totally forgot what it looked like back then. She is such an adorable girl!! She's going to be so pretty when she's older...just like her mama!!

lizzy said...

Hi my name is Elizabeth and I found you page when I looked up lip hemangiomas. My daughter is 6 months and has one similar to your daughters. She has gone through one treatment of steroids and one treatment of lazier. they haven't done anything to her lip yet because when they went in for surgery they found a Sub glottic hemagioma. So they are rescheduling it. I was emailing you to see if you had any advice? I don't know much about it which you probably didn't either and I want the best for my daughter. This is my email tizzyj21@yahoo.com. thank you